Moroccan Parliament Debates The Hostile And Flagrant Attacks Of The European Parliament

Moroccan Parliament Debates The Hostile And Flagrant Attacks Of The European Parliament

Rabat, February 9 (TNA) The Moroccan parliamentarians on Wednesday organised a conference debate and information on the blatant attacks of the European Parliament (EP) against the Kingdom. This conference follows the recent actions of the Moroccan Parliament, on January 23, 2023, to protest against the pseudo-resolution voted by the European elected representatives on the allegations of corruption and freedom of the press in Morocco.

The President of the Moroccan-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee, Lahcen Haddad, said that Morocco was facing a handful of MEPs who were using the EP to attack the Kingdom in an organized manner.

The President of the Authenticity and Modernity group, Ahmed Touizi, said that the EP had become "a platform to attack and provoke Morocco. The President of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami

stressed that the actions of some parts of the EP against Morocco were interference in the internal affairs of the country, motivated by situational interests and driven by lobbies.

The Moroccan parliamentarians clearly rejected any interference by the EP in the affairs of Morocco and said that the Kingdom had no problems with the European Union or its various structures, but rather with MEPs hostile to the country.

This action is also contrary to the spirit of the Morocco-EU partnership, a partnership dealing with strategic issues for the future of the region and the world (fight against terrorism, migration management, climate change, peace), in which Morocco assumes great responsibilities, said Talbi Alami.

During this conference, Moroccan parliamentarians noted that 112 questions and 18 attempted amendments hostile to Morocco had been raised in the EP in 2022, revealing a "systematic war" against the Kingdom. The House of Representatives also announced the creation of a thematic committee to reassess relations with the EP.

In conclusion, the Moroccan parliamentarians clearly rejected any interference by the EP in the affairs of Morocco and said that the Kingdom had no problems with the European Union or its various structures, but rather with MEPs hostile to the country.

And to add that the European Parliament which welcomes with open arms the terrorist of the polisario Sultana Khaya, who does not hesitate to pose Kalashnikov to the arms, refuses the entry to this same European Parliament to Khadijatou Mahmoud, victim of rape by the mercenary Brahim Ghali.

The News Agency