“Indian Vaccine Market Expected To Reach A Valuation Of Rs 252 Billion By 2025”

“Indian Vaccine Market Expected To Reach A Valuation Of Rs 252 Billion By 2025”

London, May 1 (TNA) The Indian vaccine market, which has carved out a place for itself at the global level, is expected to reach a valuation of Rs 252 billion by 2025, MoS (PMO) Dr Jitendra Singh said while on a visit to the London Museum of Science. He also called for Extended Collaboration in Biotech StartUps and Vaccine Development between India and the United Kingdom.

Lauding the 175 year old London Science Museum Singh further said that the idea of setting up these museums is to help enable the common citizens particularly the youngsters to realise their hidden potential and sometimes even discover their inherent aptitudes of which they themselves may not be aware of.

It also ignites curiosity in them which then may help sharpen their scientific temper and inspire creative innovation, he said.

The Science Museum is a major museum on Exhibition Road in South Kensington, London. It was founded in 1857. The management of the museum was particularly impressed by India’s covid success story. The tour by the Indian Minister mainly focussed on areas of Energy revolution, Vaccines and Space gallery.

The Minister was taken around the exclusive pavilion set up to trace the history of Covid pandemic right from the first case that appeared to the first person who got vaccinated. The history has been recorded in chronological order for the awareness and education of people. India’s lead role in the management and prevention of Covid has shown to be recognised in the pavilion.

The News Agency