Veteran Samajwadi Party Leader Mohd Azam Khan Let Off By Sessions Court In Hate Speech Case

Veteran Samajwadi Party Leader Mohd Azam Khan Let Off By Sessions Court In Hate Speech Case

Rampur, May 24 (TNA) Veteran Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Mohd Azam Khan has been let off by the Rampur Sessions Court in the hate speech case. This was the same case in which he was convicted by the MP-MLA court for three years following which his membership of the legislative assembly was cancelled.

The lawyer of the former UP minister, Vinod Sharma told media persons that his client had been convicted in a case by the lower court which they has challenged in the Sessions Court and that the court on Wednesday set aside the ruling of the loer court in the matter of hate speech. “We had pleaded in the court that the clinet had been implicated falsely in the matter and the court found our contention correct”, the lawyer further added.

The hate speech case pertained to a speech the SP national general secretary delivered during the 2019 Lok Sabha polls in the Milak Vidhan Sabha seat. Last year on October 27, the MP-MLA Court had convicted him. Though he had got conditional bail after this, his membership of the UP Vidhan Sabha as a legislator from Rampur had been cancelled. In the bypoll that followed BJP’s Akash Saxena won the seat.

The News Agency