Dreaded Dacoit Sahib Singh Gunned Down In Police Encounter In Bulandshahr

Dreaded Dacoit Sahib Singh Gunned Down In Police Encounter In Bulandshahr

Bulandshahr, February 20 (TNA) A dreaded dacoit of the criminal tribes - Sahib Singh, was gunned down by the Bulandshahr police in an encounter late on Sunday, an official informed. The encounter with Singh took place in the Gulawati area of the dictrict between him and a joint team of the Noida STF and the Gulawati Police.

Sahib Singh, a nomadic dacoit carried a prize of Rs 1.25 lakh from two districts. He used to commit robbery by breaking into houses. Dacoit Sahib Singh had a prize of Rs 1 lakh from Gonda and Rs 25,000 from Bulandshahr.

Sahib had committed an infamous dacoity in Gonda in 2001 and had killed 5 including 2 infants.

9 people were injured in this incident. He was an active member of the D-14 gang. He had also killed two persons in Aligarh as well and was wanted in two incidents in Bulandshahr.

The News Agency