Despite Low Voter Turnout, BJP Strategists Are Not Nervous!

Despite Low Voter Turnout, BJP Strategists Are Not Nervous!

Agra, May 8 (TNA) In the third phase of elections, the voter turnout remained low, similar to the previous rounds, raising concerns. Despite this, ruling party election strategists appear unworried. When speaking with local BJP leaders, it became evident that their confidence stemmed from the lack of enthusiasm or discontent among key opposition groups like Muslims and Dalits.

One leader noted a decline in support for Mayawati among Dalits and suggested that even Muslim women voters were divided this time. The BJP acknowledged strong voter turnout from Modi supporters but expressed a lack of concern regarding low overall participation. We calculate that even the Muslim women voters are divided this time," a BJP leader explained.

The BJP poll managers admitted that the bhakts and supporters of the Modi sarkar cast their votes in full strength, but the voters of the opposition showed a degree of diffidence and apathy. Another factor impacting the low voter turnout according to a retired principal who had experience conducting a series of elections, said it has not become virtually impossible to capture booths or cast fake votes.

"Earlier dead persons, missing persons, and even criminals behind bars could vote through impersonation, but now either an Aadhar card or some other identity proof is required. The police and security bandobast has improved a lot," he said.

The number of complaints of booth capturing or EVM dysfunctioning was on the lower side compared to previous elections.

The low voter turnout for the Agra city parliamentary seat has baffled poll pundits here. The tentative figure given by the election office is 53.99 while for the Fatehpur Sikri, the percentage is 57.09. The final figures will probably take some time to be released by the election office. In 2019, the voting percentage was 59.18. "By the time the final numbers are out in a day or two, you will see a different picture," BJP leader Nandan Shrotriya said.

Poll watchers said there was some amount of disenchantment or a lack of interest among the traditional vote banks of the opposition parties. In Dalit mohallas, many people did not go out and vote. Another reason is that this time "there was no scope for 'farzi matdaan' due to additional precautions taken."

The number of complaints of booth capturing or EVM dysfunctioning was on the lower side compared to previous elections. "In Agra, a large number of first-time voters did not show up for voting as most are studying or working in Metros.

Both the BJP candidates, Prof SP Singh Baghael and Raj Kumar Chahar from the Fatehpur Sikri constituency were optimistic about voter participation. "There was noticeable interest among voters in both residential areas and upscale neighbourhoods," BJP leaders said.

The News Agency