FINISH Society Discusses Ways To Script The ‘Poo To Prosperity’ Story

FINISH Society Discusses Ways To Script The ‘Poo To Prosperity’ Story

Lucknow, Dec 8 (TNA) Poo to prosperity may still be in its conceptual stage but if human waste is converted into co-compost by harnessing technology it will lead to chemical-free fertilizer that will reduce carbon footprint in the world in large measure. According to reliable global estimates human waste can  create 50 million tons of fertiliser, which would account for 25 % of the current global demand. 

This was the basic thrust of the virtual roundtable on ‘Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) and Circular Economy’ organized by FINISH Society. Abhijit Banerji, Member Secretary, FINISH Society set the ball rolling by introducing the Society’s philosophy and goals.

A host of expert panelists who shared their insights and solutions and they included Abhishek Chaudhuri, Managing Director, FSMC Pvt Ltd, Rajkumar Sampath Consultant FSM, Dr Kulwant Singh, CEO, 3R, Anand G. Iyer, Environmental Engineer & Founder The

Solution Center, Dr. Prashant Jha, Professor, Central University of South Bihar Pamela Bundi, Country Head, FINISH Mondial, Kenya.

Taking the lead as it were, the FINISH Services Management Company (FSMC) Pvt Ltd, has had a breakthrough moment when it signed an MoU with the Dhenkanal Municipality, Odisha, to process the bio-waste at the Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant set up there and process it into NKP rich co-compost to be used as chemical-free fertilizer and use it in the farms, orchards and are tying up with farmer producer organizations to break the stigma associated with human waste.

Taking the lead as it were, the FINISH Services Management Company (FSMC) Pvt Ltd, has had a breakthrough moment when it signed an MoU with the Dhenkanal Municipality, Odisha, to process the bio-waste at the Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant

According to Abhishek Chaudhuri, Managing Director, (FSMC) six urban local bodies in Odisha have decided in principle to sign an MOU to convert bio waste into co-compost and super compost from the dry sludge deposited at the FSTPs.

Setting the tone and tenor for the roundtable on FSM and Circular Economy, it was stated that a circular economy has benefits that are operational as well as strategic, on both a micro-and macroeconomic level.

FINISH Society in close association with its partners, actively implements innovations in closing the resources loop with waste valorisations by working on all chains in solid waste, sanitation, and water management to advance towards a circular economy.

The News Agency