Skhirat-Temara's Local Ulema Council Slams Man's Remarks Saying 'Quran Burning Should Not Arouse Indignation'

Skhirat-Temara's Local Ulema Council Slams Man's Remarks Saying 'Quran Burning Should Not Arouse Indignation'

Rabat, July 5 (TNA) Skhirat-Temara prefecture's Local Council of Ulema has denounced a Moroccan national's publication of remarks claiming that the burning of the Quran is "an act that should not arouse indignation and does not constitute a crime as long as it is not accompanied by murder."

Amid this "intellectual baseness," the Council released a statement where it "joins the great mass of people with sound understanding and a conscience filled with respect for the Holy Quran in condemning this effrontery." It further assured that these "odious remarks" go against the national position which denounces this incident as well as the international concensus over the idea that the path to peace necessarily involves "respect for the sacred values of all religions."

The same source further notes that "no mind endowed with common sense sees any point in offending a single individual, a fortiori when it comes to harming millions of people." This is a "manifestation of enmity towards the Moroccan Nation, which holds the Holy Quran in its heart", the Council stresses, asserting that "such absurd and irresponsible discourse fuels hatred and incites violence and terrorism."

"What this person has done betrays a desperate and ill-timed quest for fame", the statement notes, asserting that "anyone who has heard such slander should read the words of the Most High: 'So let them indulge [in falsehood] and amuse [themselves] until they face their Day, which they have been threatened with.”

The News Agency