President Macky Sall Shares Positive Assessment And Future Prospects Of An Emerging Senegal

President Macky Sall Shares Positive Assessment And Future Prospects Of An Emerging Senegal

President Macky Sall presented a comprehensive assessment of his years in power during his end-of-year speech. Senegal has faced challenges such as violence, cyber attacks, and loss of life. Despite these challenges, the country has made tangible progress. The national budget has consistently increased from 2,344 billion FCFA in 2012 to 7,003 billion in 2024.

The infrastructure sector has seen significant advancements, particularly in roads and highways, with an increase from 1,500 km to 2,900 km of roads and an expansion of highways. The transportation sector has also made progress, with the imminent completion of the second phase of the Regional Express Train (TER) and the planned inauguration of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system featuring electric buses equipped with Wi-Fi and running on solar energy.

The energy sector has undergone a notable transformation, with increased electricity capacity and improved access to electricity, especially in rural areas. Access to clean water has also been improved with additional boreholes in rural areas and the construction of a new plant.

The government has emphasized food sovereignty by investing heavily in agriculture, fishing, and livestock. Future projects are planned, including the construction of the Gorée Memorial and the establishment of artisanal villages in different regions of the country. Higher education has been strengthened through the creation of new universities and improvements in educational infrastructure. The President highlights the importance of training and supporting young people and women through various development programs.

President Macky Sall, a visionary and strategist, has demonstrated a clear vision for Senegal's development, implementing ambitious strategies to promote economic growth and improve the well-being of its citizens. His leadership on the African and international stage is respected, reflecting his commitment to peace and stability in the West African region.

He has worked to strengthen democratic institutions, promote human rights, and combat corruption, ensuring a stable and inclusive political environment where the voices of all citizens can be heard. His commitment to sustainable development and concern for social stability reflect his vision of a prosperous and harmonious Senegal.

The decision of outgoing President Macky Sall, elected in 2012 and re-elected in 2019, not to seek another term and to leave office on April 2nd, is in line with Senegal's democratic tradition. He has shown deep respect for Senegal's democratic institutions by guaranteeing their independence and proper functioning. His commitment to maintaining free, fair, and transparent elections is essential for strengthening democracy and citizens' trust in the political system.

Under President Sall's leadership, Senegal has continued to consolidate its democratic achievements by regularly holding national and local elections. His commitment to respecting fundamental rights, including the right to vote and political participation, reflects his vision of a dynamic and inclusive democracy.

His focus on political and social stability is of paramount importance. By ensuring orderly and peaceful electoral processes, he contributes to maintaining an environment conducive to economic and social development, as well as national cohesion. His enlightened leadership strengthens resilience in the face of internal and external challenges.

The News Agency