Over Half Of Sri Lanka's Population Vulnerable After Economic Crisis: UNDP Study

Over Half Of Sri Lanka's Population Vulnerable After Economic Crisis: UNDP Study

Colombo, September 3 (TNA) A United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) survey reveals that 55.7% of Sri Lanka's population, or 12.34 million people out of 22.16 million, face multidimensional vulnerability due to the recent economic crisis. The study, conducted in partnership with the 'Citra Social Innovation Lab,' examined education, health, living standards, and 12 indicators like school attendance and unemployment.

Rural areas bear the brunt, with 82% of the vulnerable population residing there, emphasizing the need for policy attention. Many citizens are going into debt for essential needs like food and medical care. Certain districts, including those in the Tamil-majority north and east, show high vulnerability levels.

Sri Lanka's financial meltdown last year led to bankruptcy, IMF support, and ongoing debt restructuring efforts. Cash transfers are being made to 1.5 million identified as poor, but concerns persist about the adequacy of these measures. Inflation has slowed, but citizens continue to grapple with the crisis. President Ranil Wickremesinghe aims for economic recovery, but challenges remain, including ongoing negotiations with external creditors.

The News Agency