On Instructions From King Mohammed VI, Morocco Sends Humanitarian Aid For Gaza And Al Quds Population

On Instructions From King Mohammed VI, Morocco Sends Humanitarian Aid For Gaza And Al Quds Population

Rabat, March 13 (TNA) Upon instructions of King Mohammed VI, a substantial humanitarian endeavour has been initiated to address the critical needs of the populations of Gaza and the Holy City of Al Quds, as stated in a communiqué from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Residing Abroad.

This altruistic action, orchestrated under the sovereign benevolence of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God Assist Him, underscores a steadfast and enduring commitment to supporting the Palestinian cause. It emanates from a tradition of ancestral solidarity and perpetuates royal dedication to the Palestinian people.

This assistance, unconditioned by circumstantial vicissitudes, remains constant and inflexible, bearing witness to the Kingdom's unwavering commitment. Historical writings affirm Moroccan presence in Al Quds and Palestine for over a millennium, signifying a solemn and imperishable legacy. This aid stands out as an unprecedented humanitarian endeavour, taking an unprecedented route. The direct overland transport of Moroccan food aid, conveyed by air to Tel Aviv and then overland to Gaza, represents an innovative initiative since the onset of armed hostilities.

As for the nature of the aid, it proves substantial and essential, comprising 25 tons of food products, and 16 tons of milk, along with the distribution of 2000 food baskets benefiting 2000 Jerusalemite families, in addition to serving 500 daily meals for the residents of Al Quds. An emergency coordination room will also be made available at the hospital in Jerusalem.

The News Agency