London Court Of Appeal Confirms Irrevocable Rejection Of 'Polisario' Petition Against Morocco-GB Association Agreement

London Court Of Appeal Confirms Irrevocable Rejection Of 'Polisario' Petition Against Morocco-GB Association Agreement

London, May 26 (TNA) The London Court of appeal irrevocably dismissed, on Thursday, the appeal by the pro-separatist NGO "WSC" against a previous decision by the administrative Court, rejecting its application to reconsider the Association Agreement between Morocco and the United Kingdom.

This third setback since last December for the enemies of Morocco's territorial integrity confirms the validity of the association agreement linking the two countries, which benefits the populations and development of all the Kingdom's regions, from north to south.

According to several Moroccan and British analysts, the court's decision also highlights the repeated failures of the real instigator of the conflict over the Moroccan Sahara, who, despite his malicious intentions, is failing in his attempts to persuade the British judiciary to re-examine the post-Brexit trade agreement concluded and supported by the two Kingdoms.

Indeed, trade between the two countries has grown steadily since the agreement was signed, with bilateral flows peaking at £2.9 billion in Q3 2022, up £1 billion on the same period last year. The Association Agreement between Morocco and the United Kingdom, signed in London on October 26, 2019, has been in force since January 1, 2021.

It restores, in the context of bilateral relations, all the effects that the two countries granted each other, within the framework of the Morocco-EU Association Agreement. It thus ensures the continuity of trade between Morocco and the UK after December 31, 2020.

Enabling the two Kingdoms to establish a structured partnership on a long-term basis, with operational and institutionalized cooperation instruments, and driven by a shared ambition, the Agreement constitutes a guarantee for Moroccan and British companies undertaking economic and commercial relations in all sectors of cooperation.

It should be recalled that this present decision marks a 3rd setback on the judicial front for the ″polisario″ and its relays, in this case, that the present British Court of Appeal Decision, handed down on May 25, 2023, refused to appeal against the London Administrative Court Ruling.

Then, the Decision rendered in 1st instance by the British High Court, on December 05, 2022, had dismissed WSCUK's claims against the Morocco-UK Association Agreement; and finally, that the Decision rendered by the New Zealand High Court, on March 15, 2021, had refused to rule on the application for judicial review proceedings, brought by the ″polisario″ and the representative of ″Western Sahara Compaign, New Zealand″ against the ″New Zealand Superfund″.

Indeed, this decision by the British High Court has the merit of bolstering the Morocco-UK Association Agreement given that the British judge confirmed, last December, that the Agreements between the Kingdom of Morocco and the United Kingdom are perfectly in line with International Law. The ruling confirms the truth and confirms Morocco in its rightful place. The ruling confirms the legitimacy of the Kingdom's actions in its southern provinces, and the conformity of its exploitation of natural resources with international law.

Morocco is also pleased that the Court has recognized that the "polisario" has absolutely no say in the economic development of the southern provinces. Trade relations between Morocco and the United Kingdom concern only these two parties. Lastly, this ruling reduces the "polisario" to its true dimension, in that it cannot claim to represent the Saharan population.

The News Agency