International Research Centre For The Prevention Of Child Soldiers Raps Recruitment Of Kids In Algerian Tindouf Camps

International Research Centre For The Prevention Of Child Soldiers Raps Recruitment Of Kids In Algerian Tindouf Camps

Dakhla, July 24 (TNA) The International Research Centre for the Prevention of Child Soldiers in Dakhla has condemned the violations and systematic recruitment of children in the Tindouf camp in Algeria. “We remain deeply concerned about the continuing systemic recruitment of children in the Tindouf camp in Algeria after witnessing a parade of hundreds of children (boys and girls in military uniforms)” it said in a statement.

It has also expressed our deep concern directly to the international community and hold Algeria legally and morally responsible for this flagrant violation and disregard of international humanitarian law on its soil.

Algeria is a party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and has an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil children's rights to life, privacy, freedom of thought and peaceful assembly.

“Our centre urges all human rights activists, researchers and journalists to demonstrate professional conscience and intellectual integrity so that no pressure is exerted on parents by the polisario militia.

Please find attached videos from December 2022 and July 2023” president of the body, Abdelkader Filali said.

The News Agency