Coverage By International Daily Highlights Universal Stature Of Morocco

Coverage By International Daily Highlights Universal Stature Of Morocco

Rabat, Dec 14 (TNA) Coverage of an international daily, the Jerusalem Post, has highlighted the universal stature of Morocco and enshrines the values ​​of coexistence, interfaith dialogue and living together that have always been advocated by the Kingdom.

This coverage reflects the centrality and exemplary nature of this Moroccan model, in the resolution of the major geostrategic questions of the day and the cover highlights the unique place occupied by Morocco in the concert of Nations, as a country carrying the flag of the ideals of peace and harmony on the international scene.

This Moroccan model finds its most eloquent expression in the Constitution of the Kingdom, the only one in the Arab-Muslim world which recognizes the Hebrew side as an integral part of Moroccan national identity.

This coverage and the adhesion aroused by the whole world, beyond religious, ethnic or geostrategic barriers, with regard to the performance of the National Eleven at the World Cup demonstrates that Moroccan Jews wherever they are carry Morocco and its distinctive values ​​in their hearts.

The News Agency