Weatherman Issues Rain And Cold Wave Warning In Parts Of UP

Weatherman Issues Rain And Cold Wave Warning In Parts Of UP

Lucknow, January 23 (TNA) The Weatherman has issued an alert for rains in many parts of Uttar Pradesh over the next three days. And so while the days have been comparitively pleasant for most of the last week, the cold wave may return as it is snowing in the Kashmir region and rains could add to the chill, the IMD has warned.

Meteorologists claim that from January 23, there will be a change in the weather again and it will rain on 24 and 25 January. After the rains, there may be a drop in the temperature again. Winds will blow at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

“Why this mad rush to jump back to the old ‘normal’ timings, they could have waitied for another week and let the cold wave go away” said an angry parent of a student studying in Studyhall at Gomtinagar.

Weather prediction also speaks of not only and increase in the chill but the return of the fog due to rain. The rain is taking place due to local pressure.

What has left parents in the state capital puzzled and angry is the change of timings, yet againt to 9 am. This would mean that the children have to get ready by 8 and leave home alsmost at the same time.

The News Agency