Supreme Court Lawyer Killed In Noida Home, Husband Arrested For Murder

Supreme Court Lawyer Killed In Noida Home, Husband Arrested For Murder

Noida, Sep 11 (TNA) The police has arrested the husband of the deceased Supreme Court (SC) lawyer Renu Sinha for her murder. The body of 61-year-old female Sinha was found under suspicious circumstances in the bathroom of her house in Noida on Sunday evening. There were injury marks on his head. On the information of the brother, the police broke the door, took out the body and sent it for post-mortem.

The brother had expressed suspicion that Renu has been murdered by her husband. Husband Nitinnath Sinha is absconding since the incident. Renu, a resident of Patna, Bihar, lived with her husband in Sector 30. She was suffering from cancer.

Her son lives in America. Renu was not picking up her brother's call for two days. Then the brother informed the Kotwali Sector-20 police. The police reached the spot and entered the house by breaking the door.

Police investigation revealed that the CCTV cameras installed in the house did not have a DVR. It is suspected that after the incident, Nitin took out the DVR and took it away. The police are now watching the footage of the cameras installed around the mansion.

He has since been arrested and it is feared that he killed her because she was not agreeing to sell off the house. The husband had acquired a British passport and was trying to settle there, something which the wife was resisting.

The News Agency