Stockpile Of Fire Crackers Worth Rs 25 Lakhs Seized From House In Meerut

Stockpile Of Fire Crackers Worth Rs 25 Lakhs Seized From House In Meerut

Meerut, November 1 (TNA) The city police on Sunday raided a house in the old Mohanpuri recovered a stockpile of firecrackers, estimated to be of Rs 25 lakh. Police have registered the case.

According to Inspector Civil Line Ramesh Chand Sharma, the joint family of Satish Gupta and Vimal Gupta lives in Old Mohanpuri. On Sunday evening, the police got information that a huge quantity of firecrackers had been collected by them.

SI Avinash Kumar and SI Pankaj Kumar apprised the agitated people outside their home about the orders of the court and started the process of confiscation of the goods. Taking Sachin's son Satish and Vimal's son Radheshyam into custody, they came to the police station.

The police have seized 22 boxes and 20 sacks of firecrackers of different companies from the spot. These people had collected firecrackers from different places. Orders were booked, due to which the goods were to be supplied.

The News Agency