Speeding Vehicle Rams Into Fleet Of Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti At Fatehpur In UP

Speeding Vehicle Rams Into Fleet Of Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti At Fatehpur In UP

Lucknow, March 1 (TNA) A vehicle in the fleet of Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti was badly damaged when a speeding pickup rammed into it from the front. The mishap took place in Fatehpur when the cavalcade of the minister was coming back from a public meeting. Two security personnel - a sub-inspector and a constable escaped with minor injuries.

According to information, Niranjan Jyoti was returning from a public meeting at Asodhar when the mishap took place. The minister has a scary streak with road accidents. Last year in March, her car had been hit by a truck in Vijaypura, Karnataka where she along with the driver had sustained some injuries.

In July 2017 also, the minister escaped unhurt in a road mishap when her car met with an accident in Panki Kanpur while she was going to New Delhi from Lucknow. The pickup driver escaped the scene of the accident and the police is on a lookout for him.

The News Agency