Ruckus Outside Restaurant In Prayagraj’s Georgetown, Bombs Hurled

Ruckus Outside Restaurant In Prayagraj’s Georgetown, Bombs Hurled

Prayagraj, February 24 (TNA) Some boys who had a dispute with the restaurant owner's nephew fought a pitched battle and boys attacked each other and hurled bombsoutside the Eldorado restaurant near the Georgetown police station on Thursday night.

The boys who came in three vehicles hurled several crude bombs one after the other at the restaurant gate which created panic. The attackers fled after the incident. Sandeep Pandey has opened a restaurant named Aldorado in the Georgetown area. At around 9:30 in the night, boys arrived on a Pulsar bike, scooty and another vehicle and started bombing the gate.

Two cars which were parked after the restaurant were badly damaged in the bombing. On receiving information, ACP Colonelganj Rajesh Yadav and Georgetown police station in-charge Dhirendra Singh reached the spot along with the force.

The News Agency