Part-Time Employees Entitled To Equal Pay As Permanent Employees If Duties Are Same: Allahabad HC

Part-Time Employees Entitled To Equal Pay As Permanent Employees If Duties Are Same: Allahabad HC

Prayagraj, January 7 (TNA) In an important decision, the Allahabad High Court (HC) has ruled that part-time employees are also entitled to equal pay. Allahabad High Court, has made it clear that part-time employees are also entitled to equal pay as full-time employees. This principle also applies to casual, temporary and contract employees who perform the same duties as regular employees.

This order has been commented by Justice Manjeev Shukla while passing the order on the petition of Bharat Giri, in which Lovelesh Shukla Advocate High Court Allahabad has argued on behalf of the petitioner, that he is a part-time gardener, but does not even get the minimum wage, whereas the nature of the petitioner's work is full-time, but is forced to work against his will for less money.

Therefore, the counsel underlined, that refusing to pay equal pay is exploitative, oppressive and discriminatory. Besides, the goal of equal pay for equal work mentioned in the Constitution was also being grossly violated.

The Court considered this discrimination to be contrary to the basic spirit of the Constitution and said that if an employee performs the same work or responsibility as another employee then he should not be discriminated against and is entitled to equal pay and ordered that the petitioner also get equal pay.

The News Agency