Out Sourced Employees Strike Work, Lock Trauma Gate At KGMU

Out Sourced Employees Strike Work, Lock Trauma Gate At KGMU

Lucknow, December 20 (TNA) Angered by a salary cut, outsourcing employees at the King Georges Medical University (KGMU) on Wednesday afternoon stalled work and forcibly locked the gate of the trauma center. As a result while neither the patients could be wheeled in nor the attendants of admitted patients could come out of the center.

Work at the Out Patient Department (OPD) was also affected for several hours due to the striking employees. There are over 4000 outsourcing employees at the KGMU. This includes technicians, nurses, ward boys, computer operators, social workers and other categories.

The strike led to chaos all around as patients were in pain and were calling for help. At the time of filing this report, no senior official was available at the trauma to provide information.

The employees on their part said they used to get monthly salaries on fifth of every month but this time it came on December 18 and that too with cuts.

The News Agency