Lawyer Pumps Seven Bullets In School Principal In Etawah, Pulls Trigger Of Self

Lawyer Pumps Seven Bullets In School Principal In Etawah, Pulls Trigger Of Self

Etawah, Nov 16 (TNA) A lawyers pumped seven bullets in a head mistress in Etawah and then pulled the trigger on self. He carried out the crime with his own licensed firearm. The lawyer died on the spot, while the headmistress is undergoing treatment at a private hospital in the city. Police is looking for the reason behind the incident.

Abhilasha Yadav (43) wife Avnish Yadav, a resident of Kokpura Shala village under Friends Colony police station area, is the headmistress of Jugramau Primary School. He had taken insurance from Sudhir Yadav of Abhinaypur village of Basrehar area. Along with working as an agent in an insurance company, Sudhir was practicing law in the district court for four months.

On Tuesday, Abhilasha went to Keshavpura village of Ekdil to meet Sudhir regarding insurance. Here both of them had a dispute about something and Sudhir fired at Abhilasha with a licensed revolver.

Abhilasha ran for some distance to escape but Sudhir fired seven bullets one after the other in the chest, abdomen, both hands, mouth and thigh.

Hearing the sound of gunshots, the villagers ran till then the lawyer shot self by placing a revolver on his temple. Due to this he died on the spot. People admitted Abhilasha to JK Hospital in the city.

On information, DM Avnish Rai, SSP Jai Prakash Singh reached the spot. The forensic team has collected evidence.

The team has recovered liquor bottle, glass, lady's slippers and lawyer's bike from the spot. The police were surprised to see the goods found on the spot. SSP Jaiprakash Singh said that the lawyer was under the influence of alcohol. He had a fight with Abhilasha over some issue and then the incident happened.

The News Agency