Even If The Wife Is Earning She Has Right To Alimony: Allahabad High Court

Even If The Wife Is Earning She Has Right To Alimony: Allahabad High Court

Prayagraj, Oct 6 (TNA) The Allahabad High Court (HC) has ruled that even if the wife is earning, alimony cannot be refused. The court said that the case of maintenance of old parents, wife and children is pending for years and that Supreme Court guidelines are being ignored, cases are not decided on time due to which, public confidence in the judicial system is wavering.

The court said, the work of the courts is divine. It is the responsibility of the courts to protect the rights of the people and establish the rule of law. With this comment, Justice Vinod Diwakar has disposed of the petition of Parul Tyagi of Muzaffarnagar, who was still waiting for maintenance for 39 dates since August 22, 2017.

The family court had ordered husband Gaurav Tyagi to pay alimony of Rs 20 thousand per month. The execution court was however not able to enforce it. The HC has now directed all the district judges of the subordinate courts of the state to hold a meeting with the family court judges.

The court has said that the judges who are not following the guidelines given by the Supreme Court in the Rajnesh case, should send their report to the Director General. The Director General should send the report with his comments to the Administrative Judge of the High Court. This should be entered in the service register of the negligent judge.

District judges should review the Supreme Court guidelines for family courts and prepare a progress report. The District Judge and Chief Justice should present serious complicated cases before the District Monitoring Committee. The HC also issued directions to run workshops in collaboration with District Legal Services Authority Bar Association. In this, it said, lawyers should be given training in preparing cases and awareness campaigns should be conducted.

The News Agency