Body Of Young Woman Found In Bags In Amroha Jungle, Parts Cut Into Pieces

Body Of Young Woman Found In Bags In Amroha Jungle, Parts Cut Into Pieces

Amroha, February 27 (TNA) Body of a woman, cut into pieces, was found packed in a bag in the thickets, police said. The head, hands and legs of the victim were chopped off. Police officials have reached the spot and have launched a probe. Despite much effort, the body could not be identified. The forensic team has collected evidence on the spot. The police have taken possession of the pieces and kept them in the mortuary at the post-mortem house.

This crime scene is in a forest two hundred meters away from Yahiyapur intersection of Naugaon Sadat police station area. This is where the police picket is set up. When the local people went out to the fields on Tuesday morning, they saw some bags lying under the eucalyptus trees.

As soon as the information was received, Police Station President Pankaj Tomar reached the spot with the force. On the instructions of SP Kunwar Anupam Singh, the forensic team also reached the spot. It is being speculated that the woman was murdered at some other place and then thrown in the forest here.

The News Agency