AMU Organises Lecture On Sir Syed’s Relevance In Contemporary Times

AMU Organises Lecture On Sir Syed’s Relevance In Contemporary Times

Aligarh, May 2 (TNA) The Department of Persian, Aligarh Muslim University organized a lecture by noted scholar, author and Director of Sir Syed Academy, AMU, Prof Shafey Kidwai (Department of Mass Communication) on "Sir Syed's Relevance in Contemporary Times".

Underscoring the relevance of Sir Syed, Prof. Kidwai highlighted his ideas and thoughts to support his stand that Sir Syed’s ideas are as important today as they were during his times. He said that Sir Syed believed in protesting through writing and not through any coercive means, and this why he took so much pain to travel to England and write a book Khutbat Ahmadiyya in reply of a book on Prophet Mohammad’s life written by William Muir. Sir Syed always urged people to debate an issue with arguments and evidences and not fight with their opponent with violent means.

Referring to the popular notion that Sir Syed was against women’s education, Prof Kidwai held that Sir Syed never wrote against the female education. Rather he was very impressed with the educated women and always held such women in high esteem whomhe encountered during his visit to England. Sir Syed focused mainly on education of men only because of the social dogmas of the time. He thought that Indian society was not ready for it at that time.

In her presidential remarks, Prof. Azarmi Dukht Safavi, Former Director, Institute of Persian Studies, AMU pointed out that Sir Syed vouched for scientific thinking and reasoned argumentation, which is worthy of imitation for us still today. She said that there is a need for us to reject negative approach and take decisions in a wise, dignified and objective manner and respond to our critics with a positive gesture.

Earlier, welcoming the guest speaker, the Chairperson, Prof. Rana Khurshid said that the purpose of organizing the lecture is to highlight the significance of Sir Syed’s ideas in present times and introduce him to the young students as a harbinger of social change and educational revolution. Dr. Muhammad Qamar Alam conducted the programme, while Dr. Muhammad Qaiser extended a vote of thanks.

The News Agency