Allahabad High Court Grants Bail To Mukhtar Ansari In Gangster Case

Allahabad High Court Grants Bail To Mukhtar Ansari In Gangster Case

Prayagraj, Sep 25 (TNA) In big relief to enstranged and jailed mafia don-turned-politician Mukhtaar Ansari, the Allahabad High Court (HC) on Monday granted bail to him in the Gangster case. Ansari had moved an application before the court had challenged the punishment awarded to him and had sought bail in the case.

The Allahabad High Court had on September 20 reserved its verdict. The MP-MLA Special Court of Ghazipur had sentenced him for 10 years in prison. The court had sought a report from the Banda Jail Superintendent in the matter. There is however no stay on his punishment.

Hearing on Mukhtar Ansari's sentence will continue. A fine of Rs 5 lakh imposed from Ghazipur MP/MLA court also been stayed by the single bench of Justice Rajbir Singh.

The News Agency