Allahabad HC Allows ASI Survey Of The Gyanvapi Complex

Allahabad HC Allows ASI Survey Of The Gyanvapi Complex

Prayagraj, August 3 (TNA) In a big blow to the Muslim side, the Allahabad High Court (HC) on Thursday allowed the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to conduct a survey of the Gyanvapi Masjid complex in Varanasi. The court of Chief Justice Pritinker Diwaker of Allahabad High Court rejected the petition of the Muslim side and allowed the ASI survey of Gyanvapi.

Last week on July 27, the Court of Chief Justice had reserved the decision after hearing the arguments of both the sides and the decision was pronounced on Thursday at 10 am. Advocates Vishnu Shankar Jain and Prabhash Pandey presented their side on behalf of the Hindu side. On the other hand, after getting a setback from the Allahabad High Court, the Muslim side said it will now approach the Supreme Court against the decision of the High Court.

According to Prabhash Pandey, the advocate of the Hindu side, regarding the approach of the Supreme Court by the Muslim side, it has to be said that the Hindu side can also file a quick caveat in the Supreme Court so that we are heard before any decision comes.

On July 21, the Varanasi District Judge had ordered the ASI survey of Gyanvapi. On this, the Muslim side first challenged the decision of the survey in the Supreme Court and then in the High Court. The Allahabad High Court said that the survey of the Archaeological Survey of India is necessary in the interest of justice. It needs to be implemented with certain conditions.

The News Agency