Education Ministry Unveils New Curriculum Framework: Board Exams Twice a Year, Emphasis on Competency-Based Assessment

Education Ministry Unveils New Curriculum Framework: Board Exams Twice a Year, Emphasis on Competency-Based Assessment

New Delhi, August 24 (TNA) The Ministry of Education has introduced a comprehensive curriculum framework aligned with the New Education Policy (NEP), scheduled for implementation in the 2024 academic session.

As per the framework, significant changes include the option for students to take board examinations twice a year and retain their best score. This move aims to reduce the pressure associated with high-stakes exams and promote a more holistic assessment approach.

Class 11 and 12 students will now be required to study two languages, one of which must be an Indian language. This change seeks to foster linguistic diversity and cultural understanding among students. Additionally, the curriculum offers flexibility in subject choices, enabling students to explore beyond traditional streams like Arts, Science, and Commerce.

To align with the competency-based learning approach, board exams will assess students' understanding and achievement of competencies rather than rote memorization. This shift aims to promote deeper comprehension and discourage months of intensive coaching.

The framework also emphasizes capacity-building, with plans for school boards to eventually offer 'on-demand' exams. Test developers and evaluators will undergo certified courses to enhance their expertise. Moreover, the practice of fully covering textbooks during classroom teaching will be phased out, while ensuring cost optimization for educational materials.

These alterations in the curriculum framework aim to create a more balanced and student-centric education system, focusing on comprehensive growth rather than narrow exam-centric preparation.

The News Agency