Yoga Helps CRF Patients On Homeopathic Treatment

Yoga Helps CRF Patients On Homeopathic Treatment

Just as last many years, this year too International Yoga Day is being celebrated on the theme of "Har Ghar Aangan Yoga", across India and the world, by means of Yoga camps, awareness programmes and various Rangoli, Poster, Writing competitions by Department of AYUSH.

Committees have been formed at the Block and Tehsil level in the Gram Panchayat to conduct Yoga training camps on the occasion from 6:00 am to 8:00 am. COVID 19 and it's various sequelae like body pain, high blood pressure, lack of immunity, heart related diseases, stress, loneliness and obesity, Diabetes have catapulted the awareness about AYUSH and sort of revolutionised it's use.

No matter which disease we treat with Homeopathy, it should always be supplemented by Yoga. In over 20,000 cases of Renal Failure consulted over last two decades, in our study, the patients who had been practicing Yoga regularly showed better results.

This is because both systems focus on holistic and natural healing. In order to maintain equilibrium, one has to practice Yoga regularly which can help reduce Blood Pressure and Diabetes, to a great extent, the two major causes of Renal Failure and numerous other lifestyle and life threatening diseases.

The asanas which were found most useful to combat BP, DM and CRF were Balasana, Shavasana, Vajrasana, Virasana, Tadasana, Mandukasana, Bhujangasana, Setubandhasana, Shashankasana etc.

The pranayams found to be useful were especially Bhramari, Anulom Vilom, Nadi Shodhan, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Ujjayi etc. But they should be practiced only after consultation with a Yoga expert and a Registered Medical Practioner. Both Homeopathy and Yoga complement each other in battling stress and maintaining immunity. Rather Homeopathy completes the work of Yoga as it acts on Nano or energy level by changing the dream patterns, modifying the personality and allaying the phobias etc.

The government should pass a resolution and make it mandatory for at least the government employees and in schools, colleges and universities to practice yoga everyday before commencing work or studies. An hour invested in Yoga today, would essentially improve the health of nation in the long run and bring down the budget allocated for health.

Therefore we should start working on creating Wellness centers rather than nursing homes and hospitals. We should focus on preventive health care where AYUSH colleges have major role to play.

(The writer of this article is an Asst Professor, State JLN Homeopathic Medical College.)

The News Agency