Security Upped Outside Jamia Millia University After Pro-Babri Slogans By Some Students

Security Upped Outside Jamia Millia University After Pro-Babri Slogans By Some Students

New Delhi, January 23 (TNA) Police presence has been enhanced outside the Jamia Millia University in the union capital after a handful of students raised slogans in favour of the Babri mosque. Video clips of the students shouting slogans - Strike for Babri, went viral on Monday alerting the Delhi Police. While the management of the varsity said only two to three students were involved in the sloganeering,

An official further informed the media that the daily routine was however not disturbed by the actions of certain students. The police on its part said that while no action has been initiated, police presence has been increased owing to the Ram Lalla temple consecration and the upcoming Republic Day.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi installed the 51-inch black idol of Lord Ram in child form at Ayodhya on Monday, in the presence of thousands of people, including religious seers, VVIPs, industrialists, film actors.

The News Agency