SC Refuses To Halt VHP-Bajrang Dal Rallies Following Nuh Violence But Asks States To Ensure Law And Order

SC Refuses To Halt VHP-Bajrang Dal Rallies Following Nuh Violence But Asks States To Ensure Law And Order

New Delhi, August 2 (TNA) The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to stop rallies announced by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the Bajrang Dal in Delhi-NCR following Nuh violence. It however dorected states to ensure law & order is maintained in terms of order against hate speech.

The apex court directed authorities to ensure that there is no violence or hate speech in the scheduled VHP, Bajrang Dal rallies in Delhi NCR. SC also inquired whether hate speech has been made in the rallies this morning, tells authorities to take “whatever steps necessary” to ensure it doesn’t happen. Supreme Court says paramilitary forces may be deployed if required.

The News Agency