Salman Khurshid’s House In Nainital Vandalised By Angry Hindu Outfits

Salman Khurshid’s House In Nainital Vandalised By Angry Hindu Outfits

Nainital, Nov 15 (TNA) Angered at the equating of Hindus to radical Islamic orgnaisations, Hindu outfits on Monday vandalised the house of senior Congress leader Salman Khursheed in Bhowali and set parts of it on fire.

His residence located in Shatla, Puda village in Ramgarh in Nainital district was vandalized by Hindu organizations during the protest. During this, his house was also set on fire. After which Sundarram, the caretaker of the house, extinguished the fire somehow.

The incident is said to have happened at 2 pm. At the same time, after getting the information, the police force also reached the spot but by then the protesters had left the spot.

According to the people present at the house, BJP workers have vandalized and set fire to the house. According to the Quarb outpost in-charge Deepti Singh, who reached the spot, the names of some BJP workers have come to the fore in the case. The fire has been extinguished. There has also been partial demolition. On receipt of the complaint, further action will be taken.

The News Agency