Chandrayaan-3 Makes Progress Towards Moon: Crucial Lunar Orbit Insertion Scheduled

Chandrayaan-3 Makes Progress Towards Moon: Crucial Lunar Orbit Insertion Scheduled

New Delhi, August 5 (TNA) The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft has shown significant progress since its July 14 launch, covering about two-thirds of the distance to the Moon, according to ISRO. In the past three weeks, ISRO executed five maneuvers to propel the spacecraft away from Earth. A pivotal 'slingshot move' on August 1 directed the craft towards the Moon, freeing it from Earth's orbit.

Today, August 5, a crucial Lunar Orbit Injection (LOI) is scheduled around 7 pm, where the spacecraft will be inserted into the Moon's orbit at perilune, its closest point to the Moon. LOI is a critical maneuver that precisely places the spacecraft into lunar orbit, stabilizing it for scientific observations and subsequent mission objectives, such as a soft landing on the lunar surface and various experiments from lunar orbit.

During the LOI maneuver, the spacecraft's engines slow down, allowing the Moon's gravity to capture it, transitioning it from a trajectory around Earth to a trajectory around the Moon. This complex operation requires precise calculations and timing to achieve the desired lunar orbit successfully. Once completed, LOI opens the door for further exploration and scientific endeavors in the lunar environment.

Chandrayaan-3's journey to the Moon brings excitement as it heads towards its destination, conducting crucial maneuvers and paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries in space exploration.

The News Agency