Bengaluru Set To Witness Zero Shadow Day's Celestial Phenomenon Twice In 2023

Bengaluru Set To Witness Zero Shadow Day's Celestial Phenomenon Twice In 2023

August 16 (TNA) On Friday, Bengaluru will experience a captivating event known as Zero Shadow Day. Astronomer Alok Mandavgane has pinpointed the unique moment at 12:24 pm when the Sun will be directly overhead. During this time, vertical objects like poles and people will not cast any shadows, creating a surreal spectacle. This occurrence happens twice a year between latitudes of 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator.

The science behind this phenomenon is rooted in Earth's axial tilt of 23.5 degrees, which causes the Sun's path to vary. On Zero Shadow Days, the Sun aligns precisely overhead, eliminating shadows. The event's timing depends on solar noon, which changes based on location, Earth's tilt, and orbital position.

To witness this phenomenon, observe your shadow gradually disappear as solar noon approaches. Items like water bottles, torchlights, and rods placed in sunlight will lose their shadows. At around 12:24 pm, during the event's peak, shadows vanish completely. This moment of magic offers a unique glimpse into celestial mechanics and the Earth's annual journey around the Sun.

The News Agency