Bad Weather Forces Emergency Landing Of Chopper Carrying Art Of Living Founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Bad Weather Forces Emergency Landing Of Chopper Carrying Art Of Living Founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Bengaluru, January 25 (TNA) The chopper carrying Art of Living founder and spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was forced to make an emergency landing due to bad weather in Tamil Nadu. No one was hurt and all occupants of the helicopter are safe, an official said.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's chopper was made to land in the tribal area some time after had taken off from Bangalore and was going to Triripur. Pilot and two other crew members on board are also safe.

“Due to bad weather and lack of way in the forest at this hour of Satya Mangalam, the pilot made a plan for emergency landing in time and made a safe landing” an official said.

The News Agency