Assets Worth Over 1.8 Billion US Dollar Of Indian Offenders Recovered In Last Four Years

Assets Worth Over 1.8 Billion US Dollar Of Indian Offenders Recovered In Last Four Years

New Delhi, September 7 (TNA) Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh on Thursday said that over 1.8 billion US Dollar worth assets have been recovered from economic offenders and fugitives in the last about four years, after Prime Minister Narendra Modi brought in the Economic Offenders Act, while the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) has helped in attaching the assets of offenders worth more than 12 billion US Dollars since 2014.

There has been a quantum jump in extradition of criminals and fugitives in recent years especially after India hosted 90th Interpol General Assembly in October 2022. Singh said this while inaugurating the first ever International Day of Police Cooperation and the Investiture Ceremony at CBI Headquarters in New Delhi.

During the UPA period between 2005 and 2013 on an average around 4 criminals/fugitives returned to India, while the number jumped to 10 after Prime Minister Modi came to power in 2014, he further added.

This year so far 19 criminals/fugitives have returned to India, in the previous years, on an average around 10 criminals/fugitives have returned to India with 27 returning in 2022 and 18 in 2021.

The News Agency